what to know about sex when trying to get pregnant
I imagine that most of you have had high school biology or sex ed, so I’m assuming you know the basics of how to have sex and how to get pregnant. I began to question this, however, when doing a google search recently. You wouldn’t believe (or maybe you would) all the crap that is floating around the internet on how to get pregnant:

-a sure-fire sexual position to get you pregnant,

-having an orgasm is essential,

-having the man gargle with vinegar before oral sex,

and on and on.

Bull honkey!

Here’s what we know about sex when trying to get pregnant that is supported by science and research.

1. No one best sexual position.

So long as sperm is being ejaculated into the vagina, any position will work. It is probably best to avoid positions with the woman on top, and it doesn’t hurt to stay laying down for a few minutes afterwards. A pillow placed under your hips after sex is fine, but probably not necessary.

2. No best time of day.

Some research has indicated that sex in the late evening or early morning might be better for getting pregnant, but since an egg lives for about 24 hours and sperm can live for up to 48 hours, it really doesn’t matter. Choose the time of day that fits your mood and your schedule.

3. Orgasm optional.

It isn’t necessary for the woman to have an orgasm in order to get pregnant. It is preferable for other reasons (mainly enjoyment), but not necessary for conception.

4. Frequency matters.

You want to have sex around the time the woman is ovulating. If you aren’t using an ovulation predictor kit start having sex every other day from around Day 10 to Day 16 of the woman’s cycle. (You start counting your cycle from the day you start your period, not the day it ended.) If you are using an ovulation predictor kit to tell you the day you ovulate (or using physical signe to predict ovulation –see Know When You Ovulate Without Counting Days or Peeing on a Stick) start having sex every day for 2 to 3 days as soon as the OPK or physical signs indicated you are about to ovulate.

5. Avoid lubricants.

Lubricant, including saliva, are not recommended unless they are specifically tested to be safe for sperm. Most lubricant, including spit, are bad for sperm, but check the labels for those that say they are not spermicidal.

Bottom line is to keep sex fun while trying to conceive. This is especially important if it isn’t happening fast. Don’t put a lot of restriction on time, positions, etc. Strive to keep things normal and enjoyable to reduce stress and support your relationship.

Source: Creating a Family Radio Show with Dr. Andy Toledo on How to Get Pregnant When It’s Not Happening Fast.

Image credit: Luis Prado (icon 1 and 3); matias porta lezcano (icon 2)