How to strike the balance between work and family?

Since the Creating a Family show this week was on work-life balance, I’ve been thinking about this topic in my life. Every woman I know with children struggles on some level with balancing work and family life. This struggle is often made all the harder for those who have struggled with infertility to have their children or who have created their family through adoption. You’ve gone to extreme lengths to get these precious children, so shouldn’t you spend every second reveling in parenthood? But what if you want/need the money work provides? What if you need/want the identity and stimulation that work provides? Is there a perfect way to balance work and family?

The availability of technology has shifted the balance between work and home. This week’s show guest, Anne Bogel, author of Work Shift, says it beautifully—

“Work” is increasingly something you do, not someplace you go. Many jobs can be done from anywhere, at any hours. Phrases like “workplace” or “working outside the home” are losing their meaning. … The black and white world of working mother vs. stay-at-home mother is giving way to grey.”

The greying of the divide between women who work inside and outside of the home is a good thing to my mind. The mobile nature of work is partly responsible for this shift, and for that, I’m thankful.  I take full advantage of mobile technology and can’t imagine my life without it, but I try not to tell myself there isn’t a price to pay for all this constant connectedness.

Where are you on the work-life balance scale? Have you struck a comfortable balance? If so, what has worked for you? If not, what are you doing about it? Balance is a moving target for me as my kids and I both age, but for the most part, I feel “in balance” (whatever that means). For what it’s worth, I think this feeling has more to do with my acceptance of not having it all or getting it all done than figuring out how to strike the balance. It might also have a lot to do with my kids being older, although in some ways, balancing life with teens is just as hard as balancing it with toddlers.

For inspiration, check out this week’s Creating a Family show with Anne Bogel, author of How She Does It and blogger at Modern Mrs. Darcy.


What we talked about on the Creating a Family show on Work-Life Balance:

  • What does balance mean?
  • Why do women struggle more with work-life balance?
  • What types of flex schedules are people using?
  • How to find time for more work without using more child care?
  • How to work from home.
  • What are the dangers of mobile technology in achieving a balance between our work life and family life?
  • How is the role of the husbands and fathers changing in this generation?
  • What are some tips and tricks for balancing work and family?
  • Balancing work and family as a single woman.
Image credit: toastforbrekkie