Making Sure Your Third Party Reproduction is Legal

Third party reproduction (sperm donation, egg donation, embryo donation, and surrogacy) is becoming increasingly more popular with people struggling with infertility, but intended parents must carefully consider these very important legal issues. Host Dawn Davenport, Executive Director of Creating a Family, the national infertility & adoption education and support nonprofit, interviews Stephanie Caballero and Catherine Tucker, both reproductive law attorneys covering sperm donation, egg donation, surrogacy, and embryo donation.

Hit the Highlights
  • How much contact is possible between the intended parents and an anonymous egg donor?
  • Is it possible to do anonymous egg donation and still be able to contact the egg donor for medical reasons or when the child is older and wants information or contact?
  • What must be in the contract if parents or child want to contact the donor in the future?
  • How can the Donor Sibling Registry be used to facilitate information exchange?
  • What questions to ask an egg donation agency if you want to be able to contact an egg donor in the future? How can egg donation agencies or infertility clinics facilitate contact that may happen many years in the future?
  • What are the differences between using an egg donation agency, your infertility clinic, or an egg bank when looking for an egg donor?
  • What is the risk when using a gestational surrogate of the surrogate being able to keep the child?
  • What can intended parents do to minimize any risks in surrogacy?
  • Why is surrogate screening so important? What type of questions should the surrogate be asked?
  • How to choose a surrogacy agency? What should you look for?

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Image Credit: Chad Kainz

Show originally aired in 2013.