Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney

If you are caring for a relative’s child, you need a Power of Attorney signed by the parents to permit you to make the everyday decisions for this child, such as enrolling in school and getting medical care. This agreement does not guarantee that you will be allowed to make these decisions, but it makes it more likely. A power of attorney does not take any authority away from the child’s parents, and they can revoke it at any time. You can use a template from a legal aid clinic, or the one included here.


  • You have more protection for the child than having nothing. 
  • Nobody outside the family, including child welfare, is involved.
  • It’s a temporary fix for what is hoped to be a temporary problem. 
  • Provides protection for you against charges of kidnapping. 
  • Protects the child’s parent against charges of abandonment.


  • Parents can change this arrangement at any time.

Not intended as legal advice. Using this template increases the odds that others will grant you authority, but it is not guaranteed. It is always best to consult with an attorney about your specific situation.

*Not Intended as Legal Advice