Should I Try Another IVF Cycle?

If your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd IVF cycle failed, should you try again? What are your odds of success with subsequent IVF cycles? Host Dawn Davenport, Executive Director of Creating a Family, the national infertility & adoption education and support nonprofit, interviews Dr. Philip Chenette, medical director at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco and past president of the Bay Area Reproductive Endocrine Society; and Dr. Mylene Yao, a reproductive endocrinologist, and co-founder of Univfy Inc., which has an online prediction tests for success of IVF.

Hit the Highlights
  • How does a failed in vitro fertilization cycle affect odds of success with subsequent IVF cycles?
  • What factors influence your chance of success with IVF?
  • How to decide whether to do a fresh IVF cycle or use frozen embryos for a frozen embryo transfer?
  • How important is a Body Mass Index (BMI) within normal range to IVF success?
  • Can being overweight affect your fertility?
  • How to best predict your chances of a successful pregnancy with each IVF attempt?
  • Does your mother’s or sister’s fertility history affect your chances?
  • What is the most important determinant to whether you will get pregnant with infertility treatment?
  • How many cycles of in vitro fertilization should you do before you move to donor egg, surrogacy, or adoption?
  • What is the likelihood of a successful pregnancy after a miscarriage?
  • What causes most miscarriages?
  • What causes some women’s ovaries to age faster than others?
  • What causes premature ovarian insufficiency or failure?

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Image Credit: Scott McLeod

Show originally aired in 2013.