Legislative & Legal Threats to Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment is under attack by various state legislative bills. What can you do to protect your right to treatment, including IVF? What other legislation affects infertility: requirements for insurance to pay for treatment; tax credit for infertility treatment? Join our guests, Barb Collura, Executive Director of Resolve: The National Infertility Association to talk about the threats to infertility treatment and what you can do.

Hit the Highlights
  • What is the Family Act of 2011 would provide tax credit for in vitro fertilization?
  • How many cycles of IVF are covered in the Family Act?
  • Is there a lifetime cap on the amount of money you can claim for infertility treatment under the Family Act of 2011?
  • What does it mean that the Family Act of 2011 for cost of IVF must be shared 50/50?
  • What is the status of renewing the Adoption Tax Credit?
  • What is the history of the Adoption Tax Credit?
  • When will the Adoption Tax Credit expire?
  • What can someone do to support making the Adoption Tax Credit a permanent part of our tax code?
  • What is meant by “personhood” legislation?
  • What states have introduced bills in support of embryos having the status of “persons”?
  • What states have ballot amendments on the personhood of embryos?
  • Are the personhood bills and ballot initiatives designed to make IVF illegal?
  • How would so-called personhood bills affect the practice of in vitro fertilization, stem cell research, donating embryos to research, freezing embryos, creating embryos?
  • What can people do to support insurance mandates for infertility treatment coverage?
  • How will the Affordable Healthcare Act affect insurance coverage for fertility treatment?
  • Will infertility treatments, such as IVF, be included as an Essential Health Benefit?
  • How can people advocate for their employers to include coverage for infertility in their group insurance plans?