How to Find a Reputable Fertility Clinic Abroad


  1. Accreditation is not required for fertility clinics unless required by the laws of that country, but a few clinics have voluntarily sought accreditation by the Joint Commission International. The JCI website lists facilities that are accredited. There is no specific accreditation/certification for infertility clinics so you will have to search by the country you are considering.
  2. Ask for the reproductive endocrinologist’s resume. Many REs are trained in the US or Europe.
  3. Ask the clinic for their success rates for woman your age, with your diagnosis, using the procedure you will use. Get this information in writing.
  4. Ask for references and follow through. Also post on forums and ask if people have used the clinic you are considering.
  5. Ask about the training of the person in charge of the embryology lab. Is this person a Board Certified High Complexity Laboratory Director?
  6. If you hope to have embryos left over after your cycle, ask about how many frozen embryos are routinely frozen in a single straw. You want them to only freeze as many embryos in a straw as you are comfortable transferring at the same time.
  7. Ask about what procedures are in place to maintain the embryos if power is lost.
  8. Ask about the tracking and record keeping procedures for egg, sperm, and embryos.
  9. If you will be using a surrogate, specifically ask about the care the woman will receive. You should be concerned about not just the medical care and nutrition, but also the respect and support she will receive. Is psychological counseling required prior to becoming a surrogate? You want to feel very comfortable that she is treated fairly and humanely and is compensated fairly.
  10. Specifically ask how the egg donors are screened. What type of genetic and family history questions are asked? How many times is she allowed to donate? Is she being compensated fairly?

I think you will enjoy this Creating a Family radio show on Fertility Tourism: Options and Ethics with Glen Cohen, Harvard Law Professor and author of Patients with Passports: Medical Tourism, Law, and Ethics.




First published in 2010 and updated in 2016.