An article in The Chronicle of Social Change reports that the “number of U.S. children in foster care has been on the rise since 2012, and most experts agree that the upward trend will continue.” The question that this report begs then is this: “how are states doing at ensuring there are enough foster homes and other placements to take these children in?”

The Chronicle of Social Change recently completed a state-by-state research to determine whether this increase in foster youth has been met with a proportional increase in foster homes.

The Chronicle was able to collect enough information to make a comparison in 34 states and Washington, D.C. We used data obtained directly from state agencies to compare the number of non-relative beds or homes in 2012 to those available this year.

Of the 34 states, 14 states and D.C. saw a decline in the number of licensed non-relative beds or homes. Ten of those states saw an increase in the foster care population during this same time frame.

There were 20 states that saw a numerical increase in non-relative beds or homes available. But 11 of those also saw an increase in foster youth far greater than the increase in beds and homes.

To read the full 52-page report of the research findings, including break-downs of each information for each state, check out this link: The Foster Care Housing Crisis.