Demand an apology from Fox News and Dr. Ablow for the statements he made defaming adoptees.
Demand an apology from Fox News and Dr. Ablow for the statements he made defaming adoptees.

As I blogged about yesterday, Dr. Keith Ablow made a defamatory statement about the mental health of adopted persons on the Wednesday, Feb. 15 Fox & Friends show.  I have attached this segment of the show in a clip below. Yesterday, I was infuriated and needed to vent, but now that I’ve calmed down and had time to think, I want us to take this further and request a public apology.  We need your help.

It is important to not let this become a political argument.  Before yesterday, I had honestly never heard of the organization or person he was talking about.  I don’t care if Ablow is right or wrong about this organization and person; I care very deeply, however, that he defamed the hundreds of thousands of adoptees by inferring that being adopted leads to mental instability and the craving for power. (I will do my best to refrain from publicly wondering what happened in Dr. Ablow’s life to lead to his desire for power and fame.  Ooops, guess I just did. My bad!)

Seriously, listen to the clip below. If you feel as we do here at Creating a Family, please take a moment to send the following emails to the addresses listed.  Being adopted is simply a way of entering a family.  Obviously, it involves loss and often sadness for the adopted person and the first family.  It is not, however, an automatic sentence to mental instability or a craving for power.

Send to Dr. Keith Ablow

Dr. Ablow,

On Fox &Friends on Wednesday, Feb. 15, I heard your comment on the mental health status of adoptees, and hope you will consider a public apology.  As you no doubt know from reading the longitudinal large scale research on the mental health of adopted persons, including studies out of the University of Minnesota, University of Colorado, and Penn State, adoptees are no more likely than non-adopted person to be emotionally unstable. You can find summaries of some of this research on the Adoption Research page at

Regardless whether you were right about the mental health of the particular individual, attacking and perpetuating myths about hundreds of thousands of people who have been adopted is unprofessional and dangerous. Please address this on air and acknowledge your mistake


Send to:

Send to Fox News

Fox News:

On Fox & Friends on Wednesday, Feb. 15, I heard Dr. Keith Ablow made a defamatory statement about the mental health status of adoptees, and I hope you will consider a public apology. Dr. Ablow inferred that adopted persons were mentally unstable.  As he should know from reading the longitudinal large scale research on the mental health of adopted persons, including studies out of the University of Minnesota, University of Colorado, and Penn State, adoptees are no more likely than non-adopted person to be emotionally unstable. You can find summaries of some of this research on the Adoption Research page at or listen to a few of the Creating a Family radio shows where the leading adoption researchers have been interviewed.  (For example:

Regardless whether he was right about the mental health of the particular individual, attacking and perpetuating myths about hundreds of thousands of people who have been adopted is unprofessional and dangerous. Please address this on air and acknowledge this mistake


Send to or call:

  • or call 1-888-369-4762
  • Your local Fox News Affiliate (you can find the email or telephone number by searching for “Fox News Affiliate & ________(your city or nearby large city)

Please view this clip here rather than going to the Fox website so that we do not inadvertently improve their website statistics. If you don’t have a few minutes to watch the clip, the transcript of the defamatory language is as follows:

This is an adopted boy who needs to plumb the depths of his psyche. He was adopted. Many adopted children are tremendously well-adjusted, but for some reason, this man feels he’s unloved and unlovable, shunted to the side, and that’s the antidote he feels: unlimited power.

We will be keeping you up to date on what happens with this campaign via our weekly e-newsletter, so sign up on the left of this page if you want to follow.

P. S. I did not originally include this link to the full segment of Fox & Friends where the above clip is taken from because the only place I’ve been able to find it is at a site that clearly has anti-Fox leanings (the name was a dead give away: “NewsHounds: We watch Fox so you don’t have to!”), and I didn’t want to support the general anti-Fox folks either. My beef is with this particular segment. However a number of people have rightly asked to see the comment in context, so I offer this link for that purpose. It’s about 5-6 minutes. NewsHounds

P.S. again: While not exactly taking back his comment, Dr. Ablow just published (Feb. 17, 2012) an editorial/opinion piece where he maintains that David Brock is mentally unstable, but acknowledges, “I have no idea what may have led David Brock to such apparently fundamental self-doubt and possible self-hatred”, and makes no mention of his having been adopted.

Image credit: Texas Governor Rick Perry