What we don’t know is scary, and most of us don’t know much about third party reproduction, such as egg donation and surrogacy. We asked two legal experts to shed some light on the top question they get when infertility patients or others are beginning to think about surrogacy and egg donation.

questions about egg donation and surrogacy

#1 Question for Egg Donation

The top question reproductive law attorney Catherine Tucker receives on the topic of egg donation was from families that for whatever reason feel they need to use an anonymous egg donor, but want some degree of contact or information sharing now or in the future for medical or even social reasons. According to Ms. Tucker, while the word “contact” and “anonymous” may seem like contradictions it is possible to structure your agreement with the anonymous egg donor to allow for future contact for medical reasons and if the child someday desires contact. In fact, according to Ms. Tucker, this has become the trend in egg donation.

#1 Question for Surrogacy

There are definitive steps to take that will help ensure your child remains yours.

The top question Stephanie Caballero, an attorney specializing in assisted reproduction, receives on surrogacy is about the risk of the surrogate keeping the baby. I totally understand this concern—who wouldn’t worry about this on some level? According to Ms. Caballero, the truth is that it is a very small risk and there are definite steps you can and should take to avoid this from happening when you are deciding on the type of surrogacy, the location of the surrogate, and what to include in your contract.

For a more in depth discussion of questions about egg donation and surrogacy, check out this Creating a Family Radio Show/Podcast.


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Originally published in 2010; Updated in 2018
Image credit: jim simonson