Do You Deserve to be Infertile?
Dungeons & Dragons

Over the years I’ve heard the following reasons why someone deserves to be infertile:

  • You put your career first.
  • You’re a feminist.
  • You slept around too much.
  • You’re not a good aunt to your sister’s kids.
  • Your husband plays Dungeons and Dragons…Say WHAT?!?

Honestly, just when you think you’ve heard it all, something like that last one comes along and leaves you speechless. A woman on the Creating a Family Facebook Group heard this from a family member.


Infertility (and in my case also the stillbirth of my only bio children) affects EVERYONE…. saint and sinner alike. Our 2nd pregnancy was a fatal diagnosis pregnancy (incompatible with life) and a family member intimated it was punishment because my husband still plays Dungeons and Dragons.

Your baby deserved to die because your husband plays Dungeons and Dragons?!? What type of God does this person believe in? I would hate to go through life with such a vengeance filled belief system. Our  community member, who I might nominate for sainthood, had the compassion to understand that the family member was speaking out of sorrow and fear, and I might add, more than a little ignorance.

No one deserves infertility or miscarriage or stillbirth, just as no one deserves any disease. Even if decisions you’ve made in life may have contributed to your being infertile, you do not deserve this disease. Come on world, show some compassion!

Has someone implied that you deserved to be infertile because of something you did?


Image credit: photognome